I would say today is a defining day. It’s nasty outside, it’s 54* F out, but it’s raining and soggy. This is Oregon, what should I expect? I probably won’t get anything done except for taking a shower and maybe doing some dishes.
Why is it a defining day, you ask? I’m gonna tell you right now.
It is because it brings to my mind the ways people are handling this pandemic quarantine. I’m withdrawn, I’m struggling with anxiety and irrational fears. I eat the wrong foods and drink the right liquors, I should be working out and going for walks, but I’m seeking comfort elsewhere. In spite of myself, I’m still managing to lose a teeny bit of weight each week. I’m pretty proud of that, but I know I can do better, I just don’t want to do better right now.
My wife on the other hand, is a fucking rockstar.
She’s going to work every day with a reduced work force. Granted, orders are down since there’s no dine-in options, but their sales are still good considering what’s going on. I mean, no one has AMAZING sales except for Costco, JoAnn Fabrics, and liquor stores. But I digress once again. She goes to work 5.025 (she goes in for an order on her day off) days a week and KILLS it for 10-12 hours. She will disagree with me and say she’s just doing her job, but I tell you: she’s Wonder Woman with a chef knife and more clothes.
These are unfortunately the only two kinds of people I can tell you about since we’re the only two that I have firsthand knowledge of. I know there are a lots of people thriving, working from home, learning new crafts, and becoming more in touch with themselves. I applaud those people, be creative, be productive! All sarcasm aside, those people are awesome, and I’m very proud of them.
But I’m not one. At least not every day.
Today so far, I’ve slept until noon. Made a breakfast of eggs, bacon pieces, and shredded cheese. It was pretty yummy. I’ve checked my Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat. I’ve created a web domain! (Don’t worry baby, I had a coupon code!) I’ve also pondered coloring my hair and taking a shower. I’m definitely taking a shower, but the rest of the day is unclear. So I sit here in my pajamas and a hoodie with my favorite slippers on writing. This might be the biggest thing I get done today.
If so, then that’s enough.
The dogs are fed, I’m fed, and the fish will get fed next. We’re all alive and no one is crying. In my book these days, that’s a win.