I made it through another week! This is saying something, okay I didn’t TOTALLY make it yet, it is just Thursday, and I did have an anxiety attack yesterday. But I went to Target today and didn’t cry! That’s big, didn’t work out that way last week.
It’s no secret that I’m well-medicated for anxiety. I’ve never hidden that from anyone because it’s nothing to be ashamed of. See, I can say that now because I cried last night that I felt bad for being a hot mess.
Thank you, sweet Xanax.
I had a rough day yesterday, and to top it all off, our puppy accidentally killed a baby bunny that we didn’t know existed under our deck. She was trying to play with it like it was a stuffed animal, and that didn’t work out so well for the bunny. I felt horrible there was nothing I could do for the poor thing, and it was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. That’s a bad addage, it was the straw that made the camel refuse to walk any further. There. That’s better.
Today was not the same, thank the universe! Work was fine, picked up a wheelbarrow from Home Depot, picked up a prescription from Target. Made some mac and cheese, then I took a quick nap. Made Cracked Out Chicken Tater Tot Casserole for dinner, and now I’m speaking my mind while not wearing shoes. It’s a good day.
I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a Recipes page, I love finding recipes online. I also like putting stuff together to see if it tastes good. I think as long as I make sure people know which recipes are mine and which I’ve borrowed I should be good… right? I guess I’ll give it a whirl and see what happens.
For now, I’m looking forward to my Friday on an actual Friday. There’s much work to be done in the back yard this weekend, and if it’s raining too hard to suck it up, well I’ve got a lot of embroidery projects to work on too.
I wish you anxiety-free days.