Also known as: White people ruin everything.
I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I’m just saying it’s not exactly what it’s all about. Cinco de Mayo isn’t Mexican Independence day, that’s in September. It’s not anyone’s birthday, well anyone of historical note that I’m aware of.
Much like my May Day post, this is greatly truncated and maybe not 100% historically accurate.
Similar to the British Empire, France was pretty good at tearing things up. Well they set their sights on Mexico, and I was too impatient to see why, but they’re fighting.
On May 5, 1862 the much smaller Mexican army defeated the French at the Battle of Puebla. They were lead by General Ignacio Zaragoza who died several months after the battle of an unrelated illness. But he was THE MAN for a little while. A year after the battle however, France attacked Puebla once again and kicked the shit out of the Mexican army, and then they took Mexico City too. Fucking French.
Cinco de Mayo is more popular in America than it is in Mexico. In Mexico, they commemorate the holiday mostly in Puebla with military parades or battle reinactments.
Here in America, we do it a little different. Tacos and white girl wasted!!
It started in California (where all the good stuff does) back in 1863, and was given a huge boost in the 1980’s by the beer and wine companies. Cause we know how to exploit a cultural celebration, amiright?
At our house, we do margaritas and some kind of delicious dish, this year it’s Carne Asada with beans and rice. Neither of the latter out of a can. And if I do say myself, I’ve had people who grew up with Hispanic families say it’s not bad at all, and that my friends is a goddamn win!
Celebrate responsibly! I’m not gonna, but I’m already home.