I’m as Oregon as you can get, I’m native. I’m not heterosexual, I have unnaturally colored hair. I recycle and compost. I have more dogs than I have children. But for fuck’s sake, enough with the raining on my days off!!
I have outside shit to do.
I’m not a huge fan of yard work, we have some guys that come in and mow, edge, etc. I don’t do that stuff now. We have two major projects going on in the yard, and one of them is moving a very large amount of loose dirt into the low spots in the yard to get a nice, gently slope instead of the choppy drop off we have. I also need to redo the pathway from the house to the outbuilding we lovingly refer to as The Liquor Box. Sidenote: when we first moved in, it was a man cave. Since neither of us work on motorcycles, we turned it into a backyard bar. Way before She Sheds were cool. It’s where we got married, and someday when the quarantine is lifted, it’s gonna be a party spot again.
Back to the bitching.
I bought a wheelbarrow, we have shovels, rakes, and a compactor. I’m ready for this damned project to go! But alas, it’s all muddy. Proven by Nola coming in and leaving a dog-print trail around the house when she was looking for me yesterday. I was busy putting blue highlights in my hair.
I have one more day off tomorrow, and although it’s not ideal to start a long project right before I got back to work, I’d love to start. Glancing at the weather for tomorrow, it’s not looking good. Not looking good until about Thursday. Fun.
Next weekend is my time! It’s suppose to be in the 70’s. But this is Oregon, so I’m not holding my breath.
Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric on Pexels.com