Well, I’ve been home a bit, and life is back to the weird ordinary. The world is on fire, in some places (I see you, Arizona) it’s literally on fire. I wish I could say I wanted things to be just “normal” but the old ways of doing things and marginalizing people are over. Thank the unicorn!
Little back story there: I was messaging with Cuyla and I tried over and over to write “Thank the Universe!” But my hands wouldn’t do it, for some reason greater than myself, I could only write “Thank the Unicorn!” And so my favorite phrase, other than “What the fuck?!” was born.
I have never understood why some people need another person to put down just to feel better than themselves. I’ll admit, I’m guilty of telling racist jokes. Not much now, because I don’t think they’re funny. But in another life when I lived in a tiny, hillbilly farm town, it was accepted. Shit, there was only one black family in the whole town. I never treated my classmate any different, he was just there, he was cool. We got along fine, and we’re Facebook friends now. What I didn’t know might be damaging, is that I never treated him any different. I never recognized the struggles or challenges he might have being different in a small town.
Now, being a queer kid (didn’t know the name for it then) I knew I was different too. But there were lots of “tomboys” around and lots of girls that worked on farms, so there were plenty of tough girls that might or might not have been queer. That being said, there were plenty of queer guys. Not an easy thing to be in a hick town, especially if said queer guy was not particularly masculine. I guess this is what I could call growing up, or maturing. Realizing that I’ve no doubt hurt people in my life, I know I can’t to go back and change it, but I could change it from the point it became clear. Or the point I realize it’s wrong, which was my case. It’s been years, thankfully that I’ve known the difference. I do feel guilty for passing along an off-color joke, or sharing a hurtful nickname; knowing then what I know now, would I have behaved the same?
Fuck no. Do I behave that way now? Fuck to the NO.
Would I speak out against someone behaving that way? You’re goddamn right I would. No human (or dog, ’cause they’re better than people) deserves to be berated or degraded for who they are or who they love.
There are some exceptions:
Cats, racists, and fuckin’ Nazis.
I don’t hate cats, however I will call one an asshole when it has been behaving like an asshole. Cats in my opinion, are all decendants of royalty. You ever look up the history on a monarchy? All sorts of fuckery. Look at a cat: Beautiful. Well poised. Doesn’t give a fuck about peasants. Now, I’m talking about a 3 pm cat sitting on the thing they’re not suppose to sit on, not the 1 am tear-assing around the house chasing ghosts cat.
Next is the racists. People who may have been raised with the notion that people of color are a lower class or less of a person than they are. I can understand this, people raise their kids the best they can. It might include misinformation or misunderstanding, remember I said I understand. I don’t fucking agree for a minute, not in the internet age where you can learn anything you’ve ever wanted in .5 seconds… depending on your cell/wifi service. If you’re one of these people who can look shit up, and you still think you’re better than someone because they don’t look like you? Fuck you.
And last, definately least: Fuckin’ Nazis. No excuse. Fuck those guys. Some of them are girls? Yeah, fuck you too.
If someone is a human and decent? Cool! We’re good! You’re a human and being a fuckface? We’re not cool, I’m gonna tell you. If you want to rethink your fuckface ways and maybe get back to me when you’re decent? 60% chance of being cool with me. You’re being a fuckface and don’t think there’s anything wrong with it? You can just get the fuck right outta here.
I don’t have time for you. Life is short, and I got other shit to do.
Guess what? These other decent folx don’t have time for you either, so take your bullshit to a tiny, hillbilly farm town that’s 30 years behind the rest of the goddamn world and have a good time.
On second thought no… Go ahead and take your bullshit to that tiny hillbilly town, and in your pent-up anger: try to pass a tractor on a corner, ’cause I hear Karma has a dark sense of humor and an even better sense of timing.
Let’s see how that works out for ya.
You’re goddamn right they do, random stock photo.