Turns out I’m not cut out for insurance. Or working from home.
I went to work for a long-time family friend, new company for me, new career. First month was rocky for me, I struggled. I like to learn something, practice it, get as close to mastering the task as I can. Then I like to move to the next step and keep going like that. It usually doesn’t take me too long to learn something new. For whatever reason, I could NOT get that job down. Nothing was sticking! I practiced things, but there were so many more steps than I anticipated, I never really mastered anything. I also spent more time behind the computer than anything else. We ate a lot of takeout, and I hardly saw my wife. My dogs missed me, and the kids never saw me.
But I did manage to cry a lot.
I’m not an overly emotional person on a given day, so for me to be that emotional was a bitch. After the second month, Rhonda (having seen my unhappiness) told me to quit if I wanted to. It was one of the most liberating feelings I’ve had. I felt obligated because of all the money we were out with courses and licensing, but she wasn’t worried a bit about it. So I quit. Called my old employer, didn’t get my old job back, but I’m weekends at my old job and fill in for vacations and absences. Spent a lot of time delivering flowers for the floral department around Valentine’s Day too. Forgot how fun that could be. <3
I’m back to doing crafts, I remodeled our pantry. I picked up resin crafting and helping out a dog rescue when they need me. I guess you can get all the smarts in your brain and land a good job and not be where you need to be.
I feel like this is where I need to be: running to the cleaners, dropping off coffee to Rhonda, working on the weekends, staying up too late having drinks and crafts. Sleeping in with a dog (or 3), waking the kids up for school.
Am I one lucky bitch? Yes, yes I am.